LeetCode - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters(最长不重复子串)
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3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.


Given "abcabcbb", the answer is "abc", which the length is 3.

Given "bbbbb", the answer is "b", with the length of 1.

Given "pwwkew", the answer is "wke", with the length of 3. Note that the answer must be a substring, "pwke" is a subsequence and not a substring.











1 #include 
2 #include
3 4 int isRepeat(char *a, int left, int right); 5 int getRight(char *s, int left, int right); 6 int getLeft(char *s, int left, int right); 7 int getNonRepeat(char *s, int left, int right); 8 int lengthOfLongestSubstring(char* s); 9 10 int main(void) { 11 12 char a[100]; 13 gets(a); 14 fprintf(stderr, "you input a string: [%s]\n", a); 15 fprintf(stderr, "不重复子串的长度为%d\n", lengthOfLongestSubstring(a)); 16 } 17 18 19 int getRight(char *s, int left, int right) { 20 21 int map[127], i; 22 memset(map, 0, sizeof(map)); 23 24 int l = (left + right)/2; 25 int r = l+1; 26 27 if(s[l] == s[r]) { 28 return 0; 29 } 30 31 int pos = s[l]%127; 32 map[pos] = map[pos] + 1; 33 pos = s[r]%127; 34 map[pos] = map[pos] + 1; 35 int count = 2; 36 for(i=r+1; i<=right && s[i] != '\0'; i++) { 37 pos = s[i]%127; 38 if ( (map[pos] = map[pos] + 1) > 1) 39 break; 40 else 41 count++; 42 } 43 44 for(i=l-1; i>=left; --i) { 45 pos = s[i]%127; 46 if ( (map[pos] = map[pos] + 1) > 1) 47 return count; 48 else 49 count++; 50 } 51 52 return count; 53 } 54 55 int getLeft(char *s, int left, int right) { 56 57 int map[127], i; 58 memset(map, 0, sizeof(map)); 59 60 int l = (left + right)/2; 61 int r = l+1; 62 if(s[l] == s[r]) { 63 return 0; 64 } 65 int pos = s[l]%127; 66 map[pos] = map[pos] + 1; 67 pos = s[r]%127; 68 map[pos] = map[pos] + 1; 69 int count = 2; 70 71 for(i=l-1; i>=left; --i) { 72 pos = s[i]%127; 73 if ( (map[pos] = map[pos] + 1) > 1) 74 break; 75 else 76 count++; 77 } 78 79 for(i=r+1; i<=right && s[i] != '\0'; i++) { 80 pos = s[i]%127; 81 if ( (map[pos] = map[pos] + 1) > 1) 82 return count++; 83 else 84 count++; 85 } 86 87 return count; 88 } 89 90 int isRepeat(char *a, int left, int right) { 91 int map[127] ,i; 92 memset(map, 0, sizeof(map)); /* clear map */ 93 for(i=left; i<=right && a[i] != '\0'; i++) { 94 int pos = a[i]%127; 95 if((map[pos] = map[pos] + 1) > 1) 96 return map[pos]; 97 } 98 return 0; 99 }100 101 int getNonRepeat(char *s, int left, int right) {102 103 104 105 if(isRepeat(s, left, right) == 0) { /* 如果这个串本身就是自己的最大不重复子串 */106 printf("%d %d\n", left, right);107 return right-left + 1;108 }109 110 int len = right - left + 1;111 if(len == 0)112 return 0;113 else if(len == 1)114 return 1;115 else if(len == 2 && s[left] == s[right])116 return 1;117 else {118 int n_l = getRight(s, left, right);119 int n_r = getLeft(s, left, right);120 int sub_n_l = getNonRepeat(s, left, (left+right)/2);121 int sub_n_r = getNonRepeat(s, (left+right)/2+1, right);122 123 if(n_l < n_r)124 n_l = n_r;125 if(n_l < sub_n_l)126 n_l = sub_n_l;127 if(n_l < sub_n_r)128 n_l = sub_n_r;129 130 return n_l;131 }132 }133 134 int lengthOfLongestSubstring(char* s) {135 int length = 0, i=0;136 while(s[i++] != '\0')137 length++;138 printf("输入的字符串的长度为%d\n", length);139 return getNonRepeat(s, 0, length-1);140 }



